a black and white photo of influencer brand logos
a black and white photo of influencer brand logos
  • 503, 407 verified UGC creator database

  • Download as a CSV for unlimited lifetime access

  • Neatly categorized into 15 region-specific sheets

  • Easily filter creators by followers, likes & posts

  • Includes data like Instagram & YouTube profiles

  • Over $5,000 in FREE bonuses included (ends Monday)

    GET 90% OFF & PAY ONLY $00.0005 PER CONTACT

Find Influencers FAST

Creator Contacts TikTok Influencer Database Is the Most Affordable Database of Influencers on Earth

❌ No more wondering, 'How to contact TikTok influencers?'

✅ We Make TikTok Influencer Discovery & Marketing Easy

✅ AI-curated Creator Database to help Brands Work with Influencers & Go Viral on Social Media

✅ Database of Influencers of All Sizes: Macro, Local Influencer & Micro Influencer Database

a computer monitor screen showing a computer monitor and keyboarda computer monitor screen showing a computer monitor and keyboard
a man and woman influencer with five stars on a green background
a man and woman influencer with five stars on a green background
an arrow pointing at a database on a computer screenan arrow pointing at a database on a computer screen

Did you know that the best influencers on TikTok help startups go viral at just 27% of the cost of paid ads?

Struggling to grow you startup on social media? If any of these sound familiar, then our TikTok influencer database is made for you..

❌ TikTokers aren't giving you a shot.

❌ Your funding pitch is falling flat.

❌ Your TikTok is in desperate need of views.

❌ Quality users seem impossible to find.

❌ Your last influencer campaign was a total flop.

We offer a straightforward and budget-friendly email list that links startups with 504,307 creators. Our TikTok email finder simplifies influencer discovery, allowing you to find micro influencers or connect with the perfect UGC creators for your brand via email.

Finding local influencers at a reasonable price is a common challenge. That's where Creator Contacts steps in. By streamlining the influencer outreach process, we enable startups to kick off cost-effective social media marketing campaigns, removing the fees of UGC agencies or PR firms.

For a limited time, access the entire influencer database at a 90% discount and unleash your brand's viral potential on social media, all for just $0.0005 per email.

a laptop screen displaying a large number influencersa laptop screen displaying a large number influencers
a computer screen showing a red square button to email influencersa computer screen showing a red square button to email influencers
a laptop screen showing a list of the top tiktok influencers in canadaa laptop screen showing a list of the top tiktok influencers in canada

Get $5,000 In FREE Bonuses Until Monday...

Creator Contacts not only offers a straightforward and budget-friendly influencer database that links startups with 504,307 TikTok creators, we also want to give startup founders over $5,000 in FREE influencer marketing databases and bonuses! This offer ends on Monday at 11:59PM PST.👇

  • Free Bonus #1 - 300K YouTube Influencer List: Find YouTube influencers with our YouTuber Database, featuring over 300K active YouTuber Creators. Our email list was recently verified enriched with crucial data points & sells for over $500.

  • Free Bonus #2 - 40K Shopify Brands Email List: Tap into our extensive Brand Database, featuring 40K thriving ecommerce Shopify brands. Perfect for SaaS startups targeting ecommerce brands for pitching your solution.

  • Free Bonus #3 - 6K VC Investor List: Land funding with our Investor List, comprising 6K+ angel investors focused on pre-seed & seed startups.

  • Free Bonus #4 - 7K Journalist Contacts: Email elite media professionals seeking interesting startup stories like yours.

  • Free Bonus #5 - 14K Startup Founders: Connect with over 15K founders, co-founders & decision makers. Pitch your products or services to like-minded entrepreneurs.

  • Free Bonus #6 - 7K Easy SEO Keywords: High search volume, low difficulty keywords in multiple niches.

  • Free Bonus #7 - 5K Wordpress Guest Post Database

  • Plus thousands of free ChatGPT prompts, hundreds of startup directories & newsletter contacts + much more.

What is an Influencer Database & Why Do You Need One?

Want to go viral and boost your influencer marketing strategy and reach a wider audience? Our influencer database helps you find, contact, and hire the best influencers for your startup featuring over 500,000 verified social media influencers. It's 2024, you don't need an expensive influencer search tool when you can easily search influencers using our CSV database by keywords or filter by social media platforms such as TikTok, Instagram, and more. So instead of paying for overpriced and ineffective tools like hypeauditor and collabstr, you can easily boost the performance of every influencer you work with and manage your influencer relationships effectively yourself with no middle man. Whether you're a brand looking to pay influencers for sponsored content or an influencer marketing agency looking to streamline your campaign management, our database has what you really need to succeed in influencer collaborations - valid direct contact details!

An Influencer Database is a valuable tool for businesses and brands looking to work with influencers on social media platforms like Instagram. Typically this database comes as a CSV or Excel as using your own spreadsheet offers a free platform that lets you find potential influencers by using a search bar and filters to find specific niche content creators like you would with any spreadsheet. By using the platform, you can save time and find relevant influencers who align with your brand's values and goals. The database of influencers also provides tools that you need for influencer outreach and tracking, such as influencer CRM to track your influencer collaborations.

Whether you are looking for an influencer to promote your products or create social media content, an influencer database is essential. It lets you find your ideal Instagram influencers or social media creators based on their number of followers, engagement rates, and more. This database offers a wide range of features, such as an influencer marketplace, where you can browse through a list of relevant influencers in your industry.

Understanding the Role of Influencers in Marketing

When it comes to using influencer marketing as a strategy for your brand and campaign, influencer tracking is crucial. Instead of spending countless hours of research manually trying to identify influencers on social media channels, it's more efficient to use a discovery tool. This tool provides a database to find a large number of creators and easily filter based on their content and audience quality score. With 20 advanced filters available, you can quickly identify influencers whose demographics match your target audience. Additionally, the tool allows you to track the performance of these influencers over time and see which ones are the best-performing for your brand.

One of the key advantages of using a tool for influencer tracking is that it brings all your relationships in one place. By having all your relevant creators and their data organized in a single platform, you can easily manage and nurture these connections. This is especially useful for micro-influencer marketing, as you can keep track of a larger number of influencers and ensure that your brand is working with the best-performing ones.

When looking for a top influencer in your industry in an effort discover similar influencers to collaborate with, our email database makes influencer discovery and influencer relationship management easy and affordable. You can also use it like a search engine to find influencers based on specific criteria and influencer data to make informed decisions when planning your next influencer campaign.

What Is a Social Media Influencer Marketing Platform?

A social media influencer marketing platform is a tool that connects brands with social media influencers to collaborate on marketing campaigns. These platforms provide a centralized hub for brands to find and hire influencers who align with their target audience and brand values. Additionally, they offer resources such as free influencer search tools and analytics to help brands track the success of their campaigns.

By using a social media influencer marketing platform, brands can streamline the process of identifying and partnering with influencers, ultimately saving time and resources. These platforms also help brands ensure they are working with reputable influencers who can help expand their reach and drive engagement with their target audience.

In conclusion, a social media influencer marketing platform is a valuable tool for brands looking to leverage the power of influencer marketing to enhance their online presence and connect with consumers in a more authentic way.

Benefits of Utilizing an Influencer Database

Utilizing an Influencer Database can provide numerous benefits for businesses looking to collaborate with relevant content creators. With the vast amount of influencers across every social media platform, it can be overwhelming to manually search for the right fit for your brand. An influencer database provides a streamlined process, allowing you to easily search for influencers based on various criteria such as niche, audience demographics, and engagement rates.

These databases also offer tools that need to analyze an influencer's performance and track the success of campaigns. By utilizing an influencer database, you can save time and resources by finding the perfect influencer quickly and efficiently. Whether you want to find macro influencers with a large following or micro influencers with high engagement rates, influencer databases have got you covered.

How to Find the Perfect Influencers Using an Influencer Database

Using an Influencer Database can be a game-changer when it comes to finding the perfect influencers to collaborate with for your brand. These databases contain a wealth of information about influencers, such as their niche, follower count, engagement rate, and past collaborations. The first step in finding the perfect influencer is to identify your target audience and the type of influencers they follow. Once you have a clear understanding of your target audience, you can use the database's search filters to narrow down your options. Look for influencers who align with your brand values and have a genuine connection with their followers. It's also important to consider the influencer's engagement rate and reach to ensure that your collaboration will be impactful. By utilizing an influencer database, you can streamline the process of finding the perfect influencer for your brand and make informed decisions based on data.

Utilizing Filters for Targeted Search

Utilizing filters for targeted search can greatly improve the efficiency and accuracy of finding relevant information. By applying filters such as date range, location, price range, and category, users can narrow down their search results to only include the most relevant and useful information. This can save time and frustration by eliminating irrelevant results and focusing on what truly matters to the user.

Filters can be applied on various platforms and search engines, allowing users to customize their search criteria based on their specific needs and preferences. Whether searching for products, services, or information, utilizing filters can help users find exactly what they are looking for quickly and easily. This targeted approach can also help businesses and organizations reach their target audience more effectively by ensuring that their content is visible to users who are most likely to be interested in it.

Importance of Engagement Rates in Selection

Engagement rates play a crucial role in the selection process, whether it be for social media influencers, marketing campaigns, or employee satisfaction surveys. A high engagement percentage indicates that the target audience is actively interacting and connecting with the content or message being presented. This not only shows that the audience is interested and invested, but it also demonstrates the effectiveness of the strategy or approach being used. On the other hand, low engagement rates may suggest that the content is not resonating with the audience, leading to a need for adjustments or a different approach. In the world of social media marketing, engagement rates are often used as a key metric to measure success and determine the impact of a campaign. Therefore, it is important to carefully monitor and analyze engagement rates to make informed decisions and improvements in any aspect of business or communication.

Collaborating with Influencers for Effective Campaigns

Collaborating with Influencers can be a very effective strategy for marketing campaigns. Influencers have large, engaged audiences that trust their opinions and recommendations. By partnering with the right Influencers that align with your brand values, you can reach a targeted demographic and increase brand awareness. Additionally, Influencers can create authentic and engaging content that resonates with their followers, leading to higher engagement rates and potential sales conversions. It is important to establish a clear objective and budget for the collaboration, as well as establish key performance indicators to measure the success of the campaign. Building strong relationships with Influencers can lead to long-term partnerships that benefit both parties and ultimately drive business growth.

Maximizing Outreach Efforts Through an Influencer Database

Utilizing a TikTok Influencer Database can greatly enhance outreach efforts for businesses looking to connect with a wider audience. By compiling a database of influential individuals on the popular social media platform, companies can strategically target their marketing efforts towards those who have a strong online following. This database allows for easy access to key influencers in various niches, making it easier to tailor content and messages to specific target audiences. By leveraging the power of influencers, businesses can amplify their reach and engage with potential customers in a more organic and authentic way.

Building Relationships with Influencers

Creating an influencer database also allows businesses to cultivate relationships with influencers, leading to potential collaborations and partnerships. By keeping track of influencer contacts and engagement rates, companies can effectively reach out to influencers who align with their brand values and target demographics. This can result in long-lasting partnerships that benefit both parties in terms of exposure and credibility.

Utilizing CRM Features for Relationship Management

For a startup looking to build and maintain strong relationships with customers, utilizing the features offered by a CRM system is essential. These tools not only help streamline communication with clients but also provide valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences. By utilizing CRM features such as contact management, lead tracking, and customer segmentation, startups can personalize their interactions with customers and foster long-lasting relationships.

Furthermore, features like automated email campaigns and reminders can help startups stay organized and ensure that no customer falls through the cracks. CRM systems also enable startups to easily track and monitor customer interactions, allowing them to identify areas for improvement and continue providing top-notch service to their clients.

Optimizing Keyword Searches for Ideal Matches

When optimizing keyword searches for ideal matches, it is important to carefully select the keywords that accurately represent the content or product being searched for. By choosing the right keywords, you increase the likelihood of your content being found by the target audience. It is also crucial to consider the search intent behind the keywords and match them with relevant content on your website. Utilizing long-tail keywords can also help to refine the search results and attract more qualified leads. Additionally, regularly monitoring and adjusting your keyword strategy based on performance metrics can further enhance the effectiveness of your search optimization efforts.

The Impact of Influencer Databases on Marketing ROI

Influencer databases have revolutionized the way businesses approach marketing strategies. These tools provide access to a vast array of influencers across different social media platforms, allowing marketers to easily find the perfect match for their brand. By utilizing influencer databases, companies can save time and resources that would have been spent on manually researching and reaching out to potential collaborators. This efficiency leads to a higher return on investment (ROI) as marketing efforts are more targeted and effective.

Additionally, influencer databases help businesses track the performance of their influencer campaigns in real-time. This data allows marketers to make informed decisions on which influencers to continue working with and which to replace. By analyzing the results of their collaborations, companies can optimize their marketing strategies to maximize ROI and reach their target audience more effectively.

Measuring Success through Data and Analytics

Measuring success through data and analytics has become increasingly important in today's business world. With the vast amount of information available to companies, it is crucial to use data and analytics to track progress and make informed decisions. Data provides valuable insights into customer behavior, market trends, and the overall performance of a business. By analyzing this data, companies can identify areas of improvement, optimize strategies, and ultimately drive growth.

Using analytics allows businesses to measure the effectiveness of their initiatives and campaigns, leading to a better understanding of what works and what doesn't. By tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) and setting specific goals, organizations can monitor their progress and make adjustments as needed. Through the use of data-driven decision-making, companies can ensure that their resources are being allocated efficiently and that their efforts are yielding positive results.

Building Long-Term Relationships with Influencers

When it comes to building long-term relationships with influencers, authenticity and trust are key. It's important to find influencers whose values align with your brand, as this will make for a more genuine partnership. Once you've identified the right influencers, it's crucial to engage with them regularly and provide them with value. This could be in the form of exclusive access to new products, behind-the-scenes content, or even collaboration opportunities.

Additionally, consistency is key in maintaining long-term relationships with influencers. Regularly checking in with them, showing appreciation for their work, and being responsive to their needs will go a long way in solidifying the partnership. Remember, influencers are people too, and building a genuine connection with them is essential for a successful long-term relationship.

Choosing the Right Influencer Database Tool for Your Brand

When it comes to choosing the right influencer database tool for your brand, there are a few key factors to consider. First and foremost, you'll want to look for a tool that has a large and diverse database of influencers across various social media platforms. This will ensure that you have access to a wide range of influencers who can help promote your brand to their followers. Additionally, you'll want to consider the features and functionality of the tool, such as search filters, analytics, and campaign management tools. It's also important to consider the pricing and level of customer support offered by the tool, to ensure that it fits within your budget and meets your needs.

Features to Look for in an Influencer Database Platform

When searching for an influencer database platform, there are several key features to keep in mind. First and foremost, you want a platform that offers a wide range of influencers to choose from. This means access to influencers from various industries, niches, and follower counts. Additionally, look for a platform that provides detailed analytics on each influencer, including their engagement rates, audience demographics, and past collaborations. Having this information at your fingertips can help you make more informed decisions when selecting influencers for your campaigns. Another important feature to consider is the ability to search and filter influencers based on specific criteria, such as location, interests, or engagement rate. This can save you time and effort in finding the right influencers for your brand.

Comparing Different Influencer Search Tools in the Market

When it comes to finding the right influencers for your brand, there are a variety of search tools available in the market. Each tool offers its own unique features and capabilities, making it important to compare them before making a decision. Influencer search tools such as Upfluence and AspireIQ are popular choices for brands looking to connect with influencers. These tools allow users to search for influencers based on a variety of criteria, such as demographic information, engagement rates, and audience size.

Another key player in the influencer search tool market is Hypr, which offers a database of over 12 million influencers. This tool allows users to search for influencers based on their interests, location, and follower count. Additionally, Hypr provides users with valuable insights into influencer performance and audience demographics.

Ultimately, the best influencer search tool for your brand will depend on your specific needs and budget. By comparing the features and capabilities of different tools in the market, you can make an informed decision that will help you successfully connect with influencers and grow your brand's online presence.

Discover the Power of an Influencer Database: Enhancing Your Marketing Strategy

When it comes to enhancing your marketing strategy, influencer marketing should not be underestimated. By tapping into the power of social media influencers, you can reach a wider audience and drive engagement with your brand. However, finding the right influencers to collaborate with can be a daunting task. This is where an influencer database comes in handy. With an influencer database, you can easily search for influencers based on criteria such as niche, audience demographics, and engagement rates. This helps you identify the most relevant influencers for your brand and ensures that your collaborations are successful. By leveraging the power of an influencer database, you can take your marketing strategy to the next level and achieve greater results.

"An influencer database streamlines the process of connecting brands with creators who can promote their products or services. Essential for modern marketing, these databases offer detailed insights into influencers' reach, engagement, and past collaborations. By leveraging this tool, brands can efficiently find and partner with influencers that resonate with their target audience, enhancing their marketing campaigns and boosting brand awareness."

How to Find the Perfect Influencers

When searching for influencers, utilizing filters in the database helps narrow down options based on parameters such as follower count, engagement rate, and content niche. These filters enable brands to find creators whose audience aligns with their target market. Additionally, considering engagement rates is crucial as it indicates the level of interaction an influencer generates with their audience. Collaborating with influencers who have high engagement rates can lead to more successful marketing campaigns that resonate with viewers. To enhance outreach efforts, brands can leverage CRM features within influencer databases for relationship management. These tools help track communication with influencers, making it easier to maintain connections and manage campaigns. Optimizing keyword searches within the database allows brands to discover ideal matches based on specific interests, ensuring partnerships are aligned with their marketing goals.

The Impact of Influencer Databases for High ROI Growth Hacking

Measuring the success of influencer marketing campaigns is essential for determining ROI. Influencer databases offer data and analytics that provide insights into campaign performance, helping brands assess the effectiveness of their collaborations. Building long-term relationships with influencers through these databases can lead to consistent brand advocacy and improved ROI over time. Choosing the right influencer database tool for your brand is crucial for successful influencer marketing strategies. Look for features like advanced search capabilities, audience demographics, and collaboration tracking within the platform. Comparing different influencer search tools in the market allows brands to select the most suitable option for their specific needs, ensuring successful influencer partnerships.

Micro-influencer Marketing: Find Influencers on TikTok, Save Time, Manage Campaigns & Work with Influencers

Micro-influencer Marketing: In the world of influencer marketing, micro-influencers have gained significant popularity for their ability to engage niche audiences effectively. With TikTok being one of the fastest-growing social media platforms, brands are looking to collaborate with influencers on this platform to reach younger demographics. Finding the right influencers on TikTok can be a time-consuming task, but with the right tools and strategies, brands can identify the perfect fit for their campaigns.

Save Time: Using influencer marketing platforms and software can help brands streamline the process of finding and collaborating with influencers. These tools often have built-in search filters that allow brands to narrow down their options based on criteria such as audience demographics, engagement rates, and previous collaborations.

Manage Campaigns: Once influencers have been identified and agreements have been made, brands can use campaign management tools to keep track of deliverables, deadlines, and performance metrics. This ensures that campaigns run smoothly and that both parties are satisfied with the results.

Work with Influencers: Building strong relationships with influencers is key to the success of influencer marketing campaigns. Brands should communicate clearly, set expectations upfront, and provide influencers with the necessary resources and support to create authentic and engaging content that resonates with their audience. By working closely with influencers, brands can maximize the impact of their campaigns and drive meaningful results.

Q: What is your Influencer Database?

A: The TikTok Influencer Database is a platform where you can find over 500K TikTok influencers to enhance your influencer marketing strategies.

Q: How can I access the TikTok Influencer Database for free?

A: You can use the free influencer search tool provided by the TikTok Influencer Database to search for influencers without any additional cost.

Q: Can I collaborate with TikTok creators through the TikTok Influencer Database?

A: Yes, you can connect and collaborate with the best influencers on TikTok using the TikTok Influencer Database.

Q: Is it possible to find free influencers on the TikTok Influencer Database?

A: Yes, you have the option to search for free influencers on the platform, making it convenient for businesses of all sizes.

Q: How does the free influencer search tool work on the TikTok Influencer Database?

A: The free influencer search tool allows you to easily search for influencers by niche, follower count, engagement rate, and more criteria to find the right fit for your campaigns.

Q: What makes the TikTok Influencer Database stand out from other influencer marketing platforms?

A: The TikTok Influencer Database provides a comprehensive database of influencers across various categories, making it easier for brands to find every social influencer they need in one place.

Q: Can influencer marketing agencies benefit from using the TikTok Influencer Database?

A: Yes, influencer marketing agencies can leverage the database to find and connect with influencers for their clients' campaigns efficiently.

FAQ: How Does Creator Contacts Work?

Creator Contacts is a TikTok Influencer Database known in the startup community as the ultimate DIY UGC agency solution for influencer marketing. Over the past 10 months, we've curated and vetted an influencer database of over 500K TikTok creators. This comprehensive email list is designed to connect brands, startups, and businesses with viral influencers.

Our TikTok email finder simplifies your UGC campaigns by enabling you to directly reach out to the most suitable influencers for your business and find micro influencers, both local and world-wide.

How Much Does It Cost Per Month?

We don't offer monthly subscriptions. Instead, you pay once and can use your database forever. Enjoy an instant csv download, with no expensive subscriptions.

How Long Can I Use The Spreadsheets ?

Forever! Download each database directly onto your computer for unlimited lifetime access. Unlike other influencer platforms that force subscriptions & limit your data, Startup Advisor lets you own your own influencer database on your own device to use whenever & however you like.

When Does The 90% OFF Sale End?

This Monday at 11:59 PM PST.

Supercharge the potential of your brand's growth marketing strategy with Creator Contacts, now available at 90% OFF. You can leverage our content creator email list to expand your reach and make a viral impact on TikTok.

Go viral with our TikTok influencer database, featuring 504,307 TikTok influencers ready to help boost your influencer marketing campaigns.

Unlock The Best Influencer Database for TikTok

Building relationships with influencers and content creators is a key component of any successful marketing campaign. Whether you're looking to collaborate with a top influencer on TikTok or a specific niche on Instagram, using our email list lets you find relevant creators for your startup's launch.

Affordable Influencer Marketing: Find the Perfect Influencers for your Marketing Strategy

Having access to our verified database of 1 million+ influencers can make all the difference to find creators across all social media channels. With the help of our curated influencer contact list, you can easily download our neatly curated data as a CSV, use filters to find and search for the best influencer for your brand based on their content, number of followers, best-performing videos, and more to start building a mutually beneficial influencer relationship right away.

Save Time & Money. Find Influencers for Only $00.0005 Per Creator.

Startup Advisor is not a subscription based influencer marketing platform. We offer the largest, 6x verified 1,000,000 influencer database with unlimited lifetime access to social media creators on TikTok, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube & more. We offer an instant CSV download, so you'll have every influencer you want to find, whenever you want. As a bonus, far beyond relevant content creators, we also include founder focused email lists like Saas leads, Journalist PR lists & our private Angel Investor List.

Why We're Not an Influencer Marketing Platform: Collabstr vs. HypeAuditor

Startup Advisor is for founders bootstrapping an influencer marketing campaign on a tight budget. While using an influencer marketing platform like a CRM, Collabstr or HypeAuditor can help you streamline your influencer relationship management, making it easier to track collaborations and manage campaigns, it comes at massive price. These influencer search tools pay attention to metrics like fake followers and deeper influencer data, so you can manage your influencer campaign, influencer tracking, and creator relationships in one place. That may be perfect for a billion dollar startup, but is it really worth over $2,000 per month with limited exports? You can hire a full time VA and get our database with lifetime access, with money to spare for a new iPhone... seriously.

Don't Hire an Expensive Influencer Marketing Agency. Why? They Use our Influencer Database to Search for Influencers.

Don't Hire an Expensive Influencer Marketing Agency. Why? Because they use our influencer database to search for influencers then charge clients thousands to use the platform we offer for hundreds. Instead of relying on an overpriced UGC agency or an expensive UGC platform, marketing agencies can easily search influencers using our influencer search tool. If you know how to use Excel or Google Sheets, our database can act as a powerful search engine that allows you to identify influencers whose audience quality score matches your needs.

Micro-Influencer Marketing & Outreach Made Easy. Work with Influencers & Watch Your Startup Go Viral

By using influencer discovery list, you can save money and pay influencers for their work without the middle man. Our data also helps you to find similar influencers, manage your platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and LinkedIn or manage campaigns with YouTube Influencers without breaking the bank.

So why pay for an overpriced agency when we've got you covered with all the tools that need to succeed in influencer marketing? Stop letting overpriced marketing agencies use our database to search influencers then overcharge your for every influencer they contact for your brand and campaign.

Not only can you find your ideal creators whose values align with your brand and campaign, but you can also track your influencer results and manage your campaign all in one place. With 20 advanced filters available, you can easily filter through countless hours of research that would typically be spent using a tool from an expensive agency.

By using influencer discovery tool that offers a free option, you can save money and still pay influencers for their work. Our platform also helps you to find similar influencers, manage your influencer CRM, and optimize your campaign management strategies without breaking the bank.

So why pay for an overpriced agency when we've got you covered with all the tools that need to succeed in influencer marketing? Let marketing agencies use our database to level up their campaigns and reach their target audience effectively.

Filter Every Social Media Influencer & Creator In One Place

HypeAuditor's influencer data allows you to find and hire relevant influencers, all while ensuring that they have a high engagement rate and real followers. Using an influencer marketing platform like a CRM, Collabstr HypeAuditor can help you streamline your influencer relationship management process, making it easier to track collaborations and manage campaigns. You can filter potential influencers based on demographics, engagement rate, and even search tools to find the perfect match for your brand. By paying attention to metrics like fake followers and influencer data, you can ensure that your influencer campaign is a success.

Every social media platform offers a different way to connect with influencers, whether it's through the use of a search bar, influencer outreach tools, or an influencer marketplace. By leveraging these platforms, you can not only find the right influencers for your brand but also create meaningful influencer collaborations that drive real results. Remember, it's not just about the numbers – it's about building genuine relationships with influencers that will benefit both parties in the long run.

So, if you're looking for an influencer to help promote your brand or product, don't underestimate the power of a comprehensive database of influencers. With the right tools and resources at your disposal, you can easily find and hire the best influencers for your campaign, ensuring that your message reaches the right audience and drives real results. Start searching for relevant influencers today and see the difference it can make for your brand.

What's Included + FREE Bonuses [$5K Value] 👇
  • 503, 407 Verified TikTok Influencer Database: Simply the best TikTok influencer database available. Featuring over 500K creators, each email is organized by followers, likes, posts.
  • Free - 300K YouTube Influencer Database: Find YouTube influencers with our YouTuber Database, featuring over 300K active YouTuber Creators. Our email list was recently verified enriched with crucial data points & sells for over $500.
  • Free - 40K Shopify Brands Email List: Tap into our extensive Brand Database, featuring 40K thriving ecommerce Shopify brands. Perfect for SaaS startups targeting ecommerce brands for pitching your solution.
  • Free - 6K VC Investor List: Land funding with our Investor List, comprising 6K+ angel investors focused on pre-seed & seed startups.
  • Free - 7K Journalist Database: Email elite media professionals seeking interesting startup stories like yours.
  • Free - 14K Startup Founders: Connect with over 15K founders, co-founders & decision makers. Pitch your products or services to like-minded entrepreneurs.
  • Free - 7K Easy SEO Keywords: High search volume, low difficulty keywords in multiple niches.
  • Free - 5K Guest Post Database
  • Plus Thousands of free ChatGPT prompts, hundreds of startup directories & newsletter contacts + more.